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《4 Levels of Scribing》


本文已獲作者Kelvy Bird(美國資深視覺引導(dǎo)師,奧托·夏莫U型理論視覺記憶師)同意轉(zhuǎn)載,原文鏈接:http://www.kelvybird.com/4-levels-of-scribing/

翻譯:Jayce Lee(臺灣)

校對:Ripley Lin(臺灣)


People often ask scribes how we do what we do. There isthe short answer: “We draw while people talk…” And then there is another way ofthinking about it, which i am just starting to unpack. This post will be brief(ish) – but want to get the wheels going and land the notion.


Considering Otto Scharmer‘s 4 Levels of Listening framework (see at end of post)i’ve come up with the following translation, applied to scribing:


At one level, let’s call it L1 (Level 1), we draw what wehear, and it’s literal. Someone says “bird” and we draw a bird. At anotherlevel, L2, we see what is being spoken from a broader vantage point, and stilldraw what we hear, but our lens might be expanded to make sense of what isbeing spoken within a context, which we can map. Someonedescribes bird in an expanded picture “while the bird is flying,it reaches the coast and joins a flock,” and we enter the domainof storytelling.



Then, in L3, we realize there is aconnection between the way the bird, the flock, and the coastlineform and the way the company – for whom we are scribing – isexploring what it takes to tend to new hires while unrolling newstrategy (from an earlier part of the conversation.) Here is a chance todemonstrate a line between the parts of two shared bits of content: onemetaphor, one literal, yet of a similar energy. Maybe these bits came outtogether – maybe they came out hours apart. But they RELATE, and we noticethat, and we can choose to show a still larger view. We make meaning byadding a nest and an egg and maybe annotating what is starting to evolve...



And then there is something else that kicks in the moreyou do this work…. it really is a deeper kind of listening coupled with aletting go of the need to even draw. In L4 windows, my experience is thata scribe must embrace an intimate coupling with the ENERGY of what’s going on,an energy that has started to becomes tangible in L3, where time slows,the air quiets, and words come from hearts in between long pauses, with a toneof the whole swelling over the posturing of a few. (Ego has shed. No one voicedominates. Agendas have evaporated.) It’s a kind of creative rupture takingplace, where something is being born, something is coming ALIVE, and we, asscribes, witness it; in a way we are midwives facilitating, throughour being and our hands, an emergence of some collective shift and KNOWING.


Here, what is essential, is to be a channel. Onlydraw what must be drawn in the new life. Only draw what represents the absolutepresent moment.


(There is SO MUCH moreto write on this, and i will.) As reference, Otto’s model – and yes, we scribe whilelistening, also in these levels…..

